The Saint Anthony Shelter for Renewal is dedicated to the ongoing work of renewal of the whole person.
The Shelter is a safe haven for single men over 18 who are homeless in the New York metropolitan area and who are personally committed to taking the necessary steps for healing and recovery. Because Saint Anthony Shelter is a private shelter we provide a living environment that is spiritually rooted in the Catholic tradition while respecting the diversity and conscience of the particular guest.
The personal renewal that takes place at the shelter addresses the deepest root causes of homelessness which stem from the dehumanization and injustice present in the secular culture.
Ultimately, the project of the St Anthony Shelter for Renewal is to embrace the life giving power of love in community setting that allows the power of that love to give life to those who are impoverished and marginalized.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
410 E 156th St, Bronx, NY 10455
(718) 993-5161